Best Rawshan Zamil Movie (2025)

1. Rawshan Zamil - The Movie Database

  • Known For ; A River Called Titas ; The Ominous House ; A Tree Without Roots ; Srabon Megher Din ; Jibon Theke Neya.

  • Rawshan Zamil was born on May 8, 1931 in Dacca, Bengal Presidency, British India [now in Dhaka, Bangladesh]. She was an actress, known for Chitra Nodir Pare (1999), Nayanmoni (1976) and Surja Dighal Bari (1979). She was married to Gawhar Zamil. She died on May 14, 2002 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

2. Rawshan Zamil - Rotten Tomatoes

  • Explore the filmography of Rawshan Zamil on Rotten Tomatoes! Discover ratings, reviews, and more. Click for details!

3. Rawshan Zamil | Moviefone

4. Rawshan Zamil Movies and TV Shows Streaming Online Available in the UK

  • Here's the complete library of movies and TV shows for Rawshan Zamil available to stream. Filter by popularity, year and more.

5. Rawshan Zamil Movies and TV Shows Streaming Online Available ...

  • Here's the complete library of movies and TV shows for Rawshan Zamil available to stream. Filter by popularity, year and more.

6. Rawshan Zamil Top Must Watch Movies of All Time Online Streaming

  • A Tree Without Roots. 2002 ; The Ominous House Movie Streaming Online. The Ominous House. 1979 ; The Endless Trail Movie Streaming Online. The Endless Trail. 1978.

  • Rawshan Zamil

7. Bengali Actress Rawshan Zamil Biography, News, Photos, Videos

  • She won the Ekushey Padak in the Dance category in 1995, and for her role in her film 'Noyonmoni' (1976), she won Bangladesh National Film Award for Best ...

  • Rawshan Zamil was a Bengali actress and dancer. She won the Ekushey Padak in the Dance category in 1995, and for her role in her film 'Noyonmon..

8. The Ominous House - Cineamo

  • A poor family returns to their village from Dhaka after The Great Bengal Femine 1943. This movie centers on their struggling life during the World War II period ...

  • Helping to shape the cinema of the future

9. Greatest Movies based on 1971, the Liberation War of Bangladesh - UNB

  • 24 mrt 2022 · Top 10 Movies Based on the 1971 Liberation War of Bangladesh · Aguner Poroshmoni / Humayun Ahmed / 1994 / IMDb: 9.1 · Ora Egaro Jon / Chashi ...

  • The liberation war of 1971 is associated with the culture and values of the Bengali nation of Bangladesh. Millions of lives have been sacrificed in this liberation war for the freedom to practice culture in an independent country. Since the birth of Bangladesh, creative movie makers have served to portray the great history of the country and the nation on the silver screen. This article will feature some of the best liberation war-based films in the history of Bangladesh.

10. Agami (film) - Wikiwand

  • It received a National Film Award for Best Short-length film. It ... Rowshan Zamil · Ali Zaker. Music by, Shimul Yusuf. Release date. February 1984 ...

  • Agami is a 1984 Bangladeshi film starring Pijush Banerjee, Aly Zaker and Rowshan in lead roles. It received a National Film Award for Best Short-length film. It...

Best Rawshan Zamil Movie (2025)


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